Antoni Lacinai (Rootsi)

MELT Innovatsioonifoorumile annab võimsa avalöögi tunnustatud inspiratsioonikõneleja Rootsist – Antoni Lacinai, kes keskendub koostöö ühele olulisemale tahule – inimeste vahelisele koostööle.

Antoni on hinnatud oma energilise ja selge esinemise poolest. Tema kõned pakuvad nii inspiratsiooni aga ka praktilisi nõuandeid kuidas luua paremaid koostöösuhteid, kuidas olla olemas oma töötajate ja klientide jaoks ning tagada seeläbi parem koostöö. 

Enne oma esinejakarjääri töötas ta IT ja telekomi valdkonnas erinevatel juhtivatel positsioonidel. Lisaks on ta tegutsenud kommunikatsioonikoolitaja ning moderaatorina. Ta on olnud autor ja kaas-autor kolmeteistkümnele raamatule ning tal on laialdased teadmised psühholoogiast, juhtimisest, turundusest, coaching’ust. 2019. aastal pälvis ta ka Rootsi ühe parima esineja tiitli.   

Antoni ettekanne on inglise keeles.


Communication between people is like electricity in a modern society — without it, we die!

For more than 15 years, Antoni has been coaching leaders and teams worldwide, and he has found that many people struggle to make an impact due to misunderstandings and low engagement. That is why, after years of research, he developed a unique blueprint of communication insights for leaders and team members who are fed up with not getting the results they aim for. He takes a uniquely holistic approach through psychology and communication and supports leaders and teams who want to be world-class communicators. This generates higher productivity and growth – not to mention a lot more fun at work. 

Engaged employees are more productive, make fewer errors and are less absent, directly impacting customer satisfaction and growth.However, only a few organizations have leaders and employees that are, overall, truly engaged. Most leaders struggle to make a positive impact. This leads to frustration, misunderstandings, unclear messages, roles, and mandates, which leads to an overall performance level that is way below their potential. You might even see saboteurs who make life miserable for everyone around them.

In a keynote with Antoni, you will get insights on:

– Why your Organization’s Motivational Focus might keep you stuck on the wrong level of engagement 

– Why your brain’s traffic light is switched to green for high performing teams.

– and the 3 Communication superpowers you need to elevate your cooperation and results.